Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Electric Scooter Tune-up

Finally got around to fixing the electric scooter that had a blow out on us in Rexburg. I was on my way back home (5 miles south of town in Lyman) when the rear tire went out as I was going down University Boulevard to 5th West.

I checked the batteries to make sure they would charge last Saturday, they miraculously did after no use and no maintenance for 2 years. Then last night I pulled the rear tire assembly appart to find one tiny hole in the innertube. It was the tire wall that took the beating, so I could have had this fixed right after the tire went out. A new tire is $25 from the website (, we own the x-360 model.) The brake needs replaced as well ($29), but that can wait. It is just over a mile to work with 2 uphill stretches on the way home. I will take it for a test ride tonight to make sure it will make it the distance. I am going to assume the battery life has been somewhat depleted as a result of its lack of attention and use.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Electric Lawnmower- Maiden Voyage

It works.... well sort of.
I blew the 20 Amp breaker in the house, so I had to raise the mowing deck to one of the highest settings. The label on the motor says it should be pulling between 5.5 and 11.5 amps, so it is likely the motor needs cleaned out. What it did cut, it cut well. I finished the lawn with the people powered Reel mower, it took 3 passes to cut as nicely as the electric mower did with one pass.
May 31, 2011

Electric Lawnmower- Blade Assembly

Here is the Blade, Adapter and Bushing (7/8-5/8).

May 29, 2011

Electric Lawnmower- Blade to Drive Shaft

Cut some tin to cover the masonite so it doesn't rot, then I pounded the blade on to the drive shaft. It is a forced fit at the moment, but it will work.
May 29, 2011