Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Micro Dimmer Board


Once you have a stage or acting area of some kind, the next thing you need to worry about is how to light it properly. In "ye olden tymes" dimmers and light boards were expensive and well beyond the reach of small production companies. Even now many schools are stuck with outdated track lighting that can only be used for basic washes of light on the entire stage. Lighting a specific acting area is out of the question.

In his book Stage lighting in the Boondocks author James Hull Miller puts forth a solution for just such situations. With off the shelf parts he explains how to build a small custom dimmer board as well as easily constructed lighting booms and PAR lights. With this equipment in hand he has helped produce hundreds of shows in less than ideal environments all over the United States.

With the advent of dimmable LED floodlights, a simple household dimmer switch can now be used to run lights for a show. The sample light board pictured above can be built for around $30 and allows for one dimmable circuit and one standard circuit. Miller recommends the cool light be used on the standard circuit and the warm lights on the dimmable circuit. This simplifies cues throughout the show.

To make this dimmer board you will need:

1 dimmer switch
1 light switch
2 power outlets
14 or 16 gauge coated wire
1 male replacement power cord end
1 4 gang electrical box
wire nuts

Here is a video of the Frugal Filmmaker building a similar dimmer for 2 prong lights. Ours will be significantly heftier so it can handle more than 1 light at a time.

Here is the wiring diagram from the book:

In his case he wired 3 outlets to the dimmer and 1 to the regular switch. I wired 1 set (or 2 outlets) to each, and I used a GFCI plug in lieu of a fuse so if I pull too many amps, I can reset right at the dimmer instead of hunting for the fuse box.

If you have never wired a plug or switch before, here is a short video to get you started:

Once you have your outlets and switches wired, the last step is to wire the plug on the end of your source cable. Just follow the green to ground, black to brass, white to silver rule, and you should be ready to roll!

If you need more than one dimmer box, Miller strongly recommends plugging them into outlets on different breakers so you don't overload the existing wiring. 

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